Private Label Enhancement Cream Skin Care For The Butt & More

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Private Label Enhancement Cream - Skin Care For The Butt & More

Private label enhancement cream for the butt, breasts and more! This skin care will firm, tighten and tone. Get this famous #1 enhancement cream with a private label to distribute.

This cream and its extracts can be a safe, non-invasive and natural alternative to expensive and potentially dangerous butt augmentation surgery. This cream is an industry founder and leader and now you can private label it with your company name, logo, etc. This best selling brand is the most popular natural formulation of ingredients that really work fast! This is the original Glutimax formula that has been attempted to be copied and knocked off for years. It is the most trusted and effective cream in the industry since 2007.

This butt enhancement cream has the purpose of combining and using powerful natural ingredients to make the buttocks look fuller, firmer and rounder.

The combination of key ingredients in Glutimax were researched and developed in the USA. An industry leading and well known company created the Glutimax formula. This company is an expert in researching and developing advanced active ingredient formulas for skin care and more. The cream goes to work fast and effectively! It increases volume with cellular stimulation in areas of the body such as the butt, breasts, hips and more giving you those desired "curves".

Glutimax was launched in 2007 and has been successful ever since with an under 1% return ratio. This will be a great addition to your company's skin care product line.

We can mail you a detailed printed brochure about Glutimax upon request. We also offer countertop displays.

This butt enhancement cream brand is already internationally known which helps increase sales. Glutimax really works for lifting, firming, toning, tightening and enhancing the look and curves of the buttocks, breasts and other targeted areas. Right away it begins to increase volume and decrease collagen loss. Because of the ingredient formula, it can also help combat cellulite, stretch marks, etc.

No Packaging Issues

Don't waste time researching and determining what packaging to use. We supply the damage proof jars which already contain 4 ounces/oz of cream. The jars also include a protective seal underneath the screw on lid which is dome shaped as shown in product photo.

Shipping To Over 120 Countries

While your order is being processed, we work with global logistics company to arrange the cheapest and fastest shipping method. This will vary depending on destination country, the order size, eight, etc.

No Formulation Issues

Do not waste a tremendous of of money researching and developing a formula! Even worse, that formulation could very well turn out to be not nearly as effective as ours. It can takes years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop a final winning formula.

Bulk Private Label Skin Care

Our formula is available in bulk quantity with each case containing 64 units. Each units weights approximately 8 ounces/oz containing approximately 4 ounces/oz of product/cream. Each unit is a white plastic jar with a screw-on dome shaped lid and a peel-off protective seal underneath the lid.

Get More Information

  • 4 ounce/oz white plastic jar, white domed screw-off lid, and silver peel-off protective seal underneath the lid. Label dimensions: Rectangle - 1.0625 x 7.125 With 0.125 C. Radius.

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